Living the Dream | changes, part 3

New Year Greetings from the New Studio!

If you’ve not been following along on my journey to portrait photographer, you can start here.

Greetings Friends!

The first step to changing is admitting there is a problem.

Oakland life was a toil: always looking over your shoulder, locking your doors when driving, keeping what you love close and out of sight. I did love having a backyard & container garden — and we even put in a spa to relax in. However, even finding peace soaking in a tub was a challenge (do you know how many helicopters fly over neighborhoods daily in Oakland, CA? Gosh, I can tell you: so many!)

In case you didn’t know, I grew up in Santa Cruz along the beach. I was lovingly transplanted from LA when I was but a wee child. I was (and still am) mesmerized by the redwood trees. Love the chill vibe and the fact that most folks smile and say hi when you’re on a walk down the street. We longed for that life again…

And so, after 5 years in Oakland, we decided to move “back home”, to the Santa Cruz Mountains to improve our situation and outlook on life. We landed in Boulder Creek, along Bear Creek in a grove of second growth redwoods with an “Art Studio” on the property.

Oops. Full Stop.
Minor Hiccup: A Global Pandemic.
So, yeah, even relocating was met with hefty challenges.

Just “for a month or two”, they said.

Well, here we are now, far past 18 months, and more than a few makeovers and family sessions lost.

The downtime was used well, I had a lot to do: set up a new studio to work on product shots while unpacking the house and becoming accustom to the new yard regimen.

Disillusionment with my work set in shortly after landing in the redwoods, coupled with the lonesomeness of no client interaction. Things looked gloomy.

I took some time to assess my evolution over the years:

  • I’ve learned how to deal with loads of various personality types!
  • I’ve overcome my shyness & found my voice!
  • I’ve develop a recognizable style and created a strong body of work!
  • I’ve taught myself many of my photo skills & sought out to learn from those that had the skills I wanted!
  • I’ve studied and learned how to run a business on my own, including accounting and administration!

What a great list of achievements. Then, melancholy came to visit, again.
Luckily I now live in a unique and beautiful place that captures my creative spark.

They say to overcome depression one should move, so I take many lovely walks in the forest.
Isolation Blues it’s been called. I’ve re-framed this time as a safe retreat from a deadly virus.

Found it’s better to keep busy rather than drink or binge-watching tv to fight boredom, so in this time of shelter I took up new hobbies.

Gardening, indoors and out! Cooking everything myself, meal planning, and try new recipes.

Towering trees create abundant shade, so indoor gardening not only provides healthful foods it also offers valuable daylight spectrum light to help fight the blues. I also took up watercolour painting and stopped dallying in depression with bright cheery flowers, trees and galexies.

Having accomplished what I set out to do when we moved to the City to follow my dream: build my own photo studio from scratch. Through this, I’ve figured out what I enjoy, what I like to do, and what I will tolerate doing. I’ve learned to do my own business maths business & accounting. Now, truly understand how important a “live / work balance” is and the fact that it is a balance. Plus: I’ve met some truly amazing folks along the way.

And, now it’s time for more changes. Hard changes.

Business decisions are not based on emotions. I can not say “Oh, I don’t feel like working today.” without consequences. Over the past 20+ months, I’ve burned through a lot of savings renting space I have hardly used in order to keep myself, my family and clients safe. As time goes on it’s just not smart or equitable to hold space when I don’t feel safe working in that space. A tough business decision had to be made.

Bittersweet Announcement:
Sweet Light Studios has officially relocated to the Santa Cruz area.

For the foreseeable future know that I can, and will, still come to your location or a studio rental, anywhere in the SF Bay Area, to make your product and headshots. You can still send your products to me to be photographed in my home studio or I will come to your space on request.

It’s time now to recreate my business, with a new focus. I’m reseting and readjust to this changing photography climate. It’s time now to teach myself new skills and try my hand in a new market:
Outdoor Portrait Photography!
It’s time to reach out to a new community and help them see themselves in a sweet light!

Starting in the early spring of 2022, I plan to offer headshots sessions indoors and outdoors at my home studio as well as at your local. When the pandemic finally wains I will find a nice spot in the area to rebuild and then reopen the studio to makeovers and families again.

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

My goal is to work with you to create authentic headshots and eye-catching product shots!

Call today for a consultation on working together to create your powerful new image and let me help you “See Yourself in a New Light, in a Sweet Light”.

Wishing you a Sweet day!



Schedule a Session of your own at Sweet Light Studios at your site. Contact Shelah today!

Phone: 1+415/409.9389 | eMail:

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BTW, We’re Right Nextdoor, too!

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